Let's face it, people are afraid of change. We worry about the unknown and the "what if's" in life, but seriously, if we don't take chances, and pray to have courage to follow the spirit, we will never reach our full potential.
I remember a talk given at this last conference that really stood out to me given by Elder Carlos. A. Godoy.
He talked about this very thing. He said we all experience great questions in our life. He spoke of how at a point of his life where he stopped and pondered on his Patriarchal blessing and took another look at his life. He decided to look at what was just "good" and find ways how he could make it better. He chose to want best instead of just settling for just good. He referred to a talk given by Elder Dallin H Oaks and quoted
"As we consider various choices, we should remember that it is not enough that something is good. Other choices are better, and still others are best." He then listed these principles to help us know how to make the best choice.
We need to consider our options with the "end" in mind.
We need to be prepared for the challenges that will come.
We need to share this vision with the people we love.
I love this! I love it because it helps me stop and think about things that truly matter, we often are so caught up in things that are just eating our time away! It helps me want to re-commit myself. It helps me think about all of the blessings in my life and the miracles that have changed our lives through service.
We need to share this gospel, we have got to so that everyone can have the opportunity to feel the comfort and warm loving feeling that fills your soul with goodness from Heaven.. My mom calls it Hugs from Heaven. I want the world to know that Heavenly Father loves each one of us individually and has a special plan made just for us. I Know it because of these guys....

This is my family. Yes, there are A LOT of us!!! Each with a unique story of our birth and journey that lead us to one another.
My name is Lainee McDonald and I'd like to share with you a piece of my story, and how we became a family. I hope to inspire you so that you will also share my story, and your own story to inspire many more people!
My older Foster sisters and I recently submitted letters to the Ellen Degeneres show and what we shared really sparked an interest with them!
They have since been in contact with our family and are asking for all the news paper articles, news, pictures of the billboards my parents are on, and lots of info on our family! I LOVE that we can inspire and help even people in Hollywood feel a tiny piece of Gods infinite love for his children.
I am 14 years old and I believe in miracles. I have a testimony that miracles happen everyday and sometimes we miss out, we don't recognize them if we do not keep focused, show gratitude, and try to live each day with a more eternal perspective.
I love the new theme for this year! D&C 4:2
"Therefore O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind, and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day."
I think about how that scripture applies to my life now, and how I can better apply it to my life from now on. The plan really wasn't meant to always be easy. Serving with all our hearts, might, mind, and strength. That sounds tiring! It doesn't sound easy, but I believe it will ALL be worth it. If you work hard for something, I think you appreciate it more. It becomes more valuable than something that is just given to you for nothing. I've seen blessings from hard work pay off! I think of the examples in my life.
My parents are quick to come to mind, although the they are certainly not perfect:) I have watched over the years of their Christ like service as they put all of their faith in the lord. Especially the time they made a drastic, life changing decision together that would change our family forever. They prayed to be lead by the spirit and that they would have the courage to follow through.
When I was only 6 years old my young parents were inspired by the spirit to do something strange, that although they had 4 young children, they both knew that our family was not complete. Miracles happened as they prayed and were lead to the decision to do Foster care. (this story in itself is absolutely amazing and the miracles that took place are undeniable we will have to share it sometime!) Never in their wildest ( and I say wildest for a few reasons;) dreams did they ever think they would add 2 teenage girls, with troubles into our lives, let alone into our home! Bringing in baggage or trials that we had always been sheltered from.
They were certainly afraid for all of the " what ifs" and "unknowns."
They prayed even harder when they KNEW their answer was to add these girls to our family.
Now let me tell you that both sides of our family, mom's side and dad's side are very protective to say the least. They have always been very close.
When they found out about these two girls they were absolutely worried and feared they would hurt or "change us."
They were the "rational ones", and their only mission was the need to protect us little kids, their biological grandkids, nieces, and nephew. That's all they could think about and made sure to let my parents know their feelings about it.
Which made it extra hard on my parents, when they had to follow what they knew true to be the spirit, and they went ahead and welcomed Rosalee and Rochelle into our home and family at the beginning of 2007.
They did sit us little kids down and ask for our support, and made sure we knew that no matter what we would never loose our place in our family. They told us that big sisters would be fun for sure but also very difficult at times. I excepted, the others were a bit to young to really understand I think.
For the next seven years I watched and learned a lot. Sometimes I hated it. Sometimes I would see my mom crying in her room pleading to Our Heavenly Father for help, especially when my dad was away at work every two weeks and she didn't know what she was doing or how to fix a problem that occurred often.
I remember watching our family work through problems with sincere prayers and communication. ( sometimes right after a yelling match:) And then just like after any big storm, right when you want to let go because you can't take anymore, miracles came just like a rainbow.
After each blow up or mistake or mis communication, with Heavenly Fathers help, everyone became a little bit stronger. We grew a stronger family bond. ( don't get me wrong, satin still snuck in like a sly little fox everytime someone left the door the slightest bit cracked) but with Heavenly Fathers help, and sincere parents who would not give up, we grew into a real family.
I learned that really, it's not possible without Heavenly Father. It scares me to think of those living without the knowledge of him, or those that have chosen not to seek his help and guidance.
My older sisters graduated high school with strait A's. They grew a higher sense of self worth from my parents helping them find and focus on their talents and interests. They taught them the gospel and helped them recognize the sweet confidence that can only come from incorporating, honoring, and serving our Father in Heaven in our lives each day.
Rosalee grew up and chose to serve a mission, she just returned home from the Tampa Florida Spanish mission. She is going to Dixie State and working as a pediatric dental assistant. Rochelle was baptized and is currently going to school also. She is a nurse, and guess what!
It DID change us, it changed all of us, for the better. My big sisters are always there for me, I really can't imagine what our lives would be like without them in our family. It has changed me, it has changed my little siblings, it has changed my parents, it has changed our extended family, it has changed my older sisters,and so many more! We are more aware, more grateful, for everything. I feel more love for others , I think we have all been less selfish because we had to be, but partly because we want to be now.
I think of how so many other things have happened as a result of that one phone call my parents did not turn away out of fear when they were asked to take two teenage girls. Blessings we would not have known we were missing out on at that time..like the fact that
now, I have the most adorable little brother Justin,
He is very strong;)He is autistic and delayed. We got to be sealed to him in the temple last December. I think about how he has changed our entire world ( I love him even though he is a little punk sometimes and so difficult) and how we only got the call to take him because my parents were so well known in the community and with the state from doing commercials and billboards and news clips for teens in foster care. (Another blessing from their service to help find more awesome families )
I've learned that one simple decision can change not only one persons life, but countless lives for generations.
I've learned that before my parents, Rosalee had never known that parents roles should be equal. That the true priesthood example that our dad has chosen to honor and exemplify, as he has humbly stood by and supported our mom in everything she does, that has changed Rosalee's entire outlook on life. Looking at it from her point of view has now helped me too. What she may have settled for before, I am certain she will not come close to as she has raised her standards to marry someone like our dad.
I've learned that even though my family is huge, and different, with a variety of cultures and crazy schedules, they are mine and I love them more than anything!!
I listen to my mom talk of her patriarchal blessing and how amazing things have happened just as her blessing said almost 20 years ago when received it, she had no clue at the time what those things meant! But Heavenly Father knew. He truly has a plan for each one of us, he knows our true potential and he is very patient.
It makes me want to prepare and get my own special blessing this year!
If we can take time to sit back and watch, to ponder, we can learn awesome things from those we love. We are promised amazing blessings now as well as in the future if we just try to be like Jesus everyday a little bit more than the day before.
I want everyone to ask themselves how they can serve one of God's children each day. It may be in a big way like becoming a foster family, and it just may be being mindful of someone at school.
You will know what you are meant to do if you just listen, you will feel a warm feeling of love that will confirm and then it's up to you to change the world by following through.
To read my sister's letters and meet our family visit our blog Munchkins and Miracles. Thanks, Lainee McDonald